CMake interface

CMake fragments are provided for an Automated generation of an end-user bindings package from a CMake-based project build. The bindings generated by rootcling, are ‘raw’ in the sense that:

  • The .cpp file be compiled. The required compilation steps are platform-dependent.
  • The bindings are not packaged for distribution. Typically, users expect to have a pip-compatible package.
  • The binding are in the ‘cppyy.gbl’ namespace. This is an inconvenience at best for users who might expect C++ code from KF5::Config to appear in Python via “import KF5.Config”.
  • The bindings are loaded lazily, which limits the discoverability of the content of the bindings.
  • cppyy supports customization of the bindings via ‘Pythonization’ but there is no automated way to load them.

These issues are addressed by the CMake support. This is a blend of Python packaging and CMake where CMake provides:

  • Platform-independent scripting of the creation of a Python ‘wheel’ package for the bindings.
  • An facility for CMake-based projects to automate the entire bindings generation process, including basic automated tests.


The JIT needs to resolve linker symbols in order to call them through generated wrappers. Thus, any classes, functions, and data that will be used in Python need to be exported. This is the default behavior on Mac and Linux, but not on Windows. On that platform, use __declspec(dllexport) to explicitly export the classes and function you expect to call. CMake has simple support for exporting all C++ symbols.

Python packaging

Modern Python packaging usage is based on the ‘wheel’. This is places the onus on the creation of binary artifacts in the package on the distributor. In this case, this includes the platform-dependent steps necessary to compile the .cpp file.

The generated package also takes advantage of the load-time mechanism to enhance the bindings:

  • The bindings are rehosted in a “native” namespace so that C++ code from KF5::Config appears in Python via “import KF5.Config”.
  • (TBD) Load Pythonizations.

Both of these need/can use the output of the cppyy-generator (included in the package) as well as other runtime support included in cppyy.

CMake usage

The CMake usage is via two modules:

  • FindLibClang.cmake provides some bootstrap support needed to locate clang. This is provided mostly as a temporary measure; hopefully upstream support will allow this to be eliminated in due course.
  • FindCppyy.cmake provides the interface described further here.

Details of the usage of these modules is within the modules themselves, but here is a summary of the usage. FindLibClang.cmake sets the following variables:

LibClang_FOUND             - True if libclang is found.
LibClang_LIBRARY           - Clang library to link against.
LibClang_VERSION           - Version number as a string (e.g. "3.9").
LibClang_PYTHON_EXECUTABLE - Compatible python version.

FindCppyy.cmake sets the following variables:

Cppyy_FOUND - set to true if Cppyy is found
Cppyy_DIR - the directory where Cppyy is installed
Cppyy_EXECUTABLE - the path to the Cppyy executable
Cppyy_INCLUDE_DIRS - Where to find the Cppyy header files.
Cppyy_VERSION - the version number of the Cppyy backend.

and also defines the following functions:

cppyy_add_bindings - Generate a set of bindings from a set of header files.
cppyy_find_pips - Return a list of available pip programs.


Generate a set of bindings from a set of header files. Somewhat like CMake’s add_library(), the output is a compiler target. In addition ancillary files are also generated to allow a complete set of bindings to be compiled, packaged and installed:

    [URL url]
    [LICENSE license]
    [LINKDEFS linkdef...]
    [IMPORTS pcm...]
    [GENERATE_OPTIONS option...]
    [COMPILE_OPTIONS option...]
    [INCLUDE_DIRS dir...]
    [LINK_LIBRARIES library...]
    [H_DIRS H_DIRSectory]
    H_FILES h_file...)

The bindings are based on, and can be used as per the documentation provided via the cppyy.gbl namespace. First add the directory of the <pkg>.rootmap file to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable, then “import cppyy; from cppyy.gbl import <some-C++-entity>”.

Alternatively, use “import <pkg>”. This convenience wrapper supports “discovery” of the available C++ entities using, for example Python 3’s command line completion support.

The bindings are complete with a, supporting Wheel-based packaging, and a supporting pytest/nosetest sanity test of the bindings.

The bindings are generated/built/packaged using 3 environments:

  • One compatible with the header files being bound. This is used to generate the generic C++ binding code (and some ancillary files) using a modified C++ compiler. The needed options must be compatible with the normal build environment of the header files.
  • One to compile the generated, generic C++ binding code using a standard C++ compiler. The resulting library code is “universal” in that it is compatible with both Python2 and Python3.
  • One to package the library and ancillary files into standard Python2/3 wheel format. The packaging is done using native Python tooling.
Arguments and options Description
pkg The name of the package to generate. This can be either of the form “simplename” (e.g. “Akonadi”), or of the form “namespace.simplename” (e.g. “KF5.Akonadi”).
pkg_version The version of the package.
author The name of the library author.
author_email The email address of the library author.
URL url The home page for the library. Default is “<pkg>”.
LICENSE license The license, default is “LGPL 2.0”.
LANGUAGE_STANDARD std The version of C++ in use, “14” by default.
IMPORTS pcm Files which contain previously-generated bindings which pkg depends on.
GENERATE_OPTIONS optio Options which are to be passed into the rootcling command. For example, bindings which depend on Qt may need “-D__PIC__;-Wno-macro-redefined”.

Files or lines which contain extra #pragma content for the linkdef.h file used by rootcling. See

In lines, literal semi-colons must be escaped: “;”.


Files which contain extra code needed by the bindings. Customization is by routines named “c13n_<something>”; each such routine is passed the module for <pkg>:

:: code-block python

def c13n_doit(pkg_module):

The files and individual routines within files are processed in alphabetical order.

EXTRA_HEADERS hdr Files which contain extra headers needed by the bindings.
EXTRA_PYTHONS py Files which contain extra Python code needed by the bindings.
COMPILE_OPTIONS option Options which are to be passed into the compile/link command.
INCLUDE_DIRS dir Include directories.
LINK_LIBRARIES library Libraries to link against.
H_DIRS directory Base directories for H_FILES.
H_FILES h_file Header files for which to generate bindings in pkg. Absolute filenames, or filenames relative to H_DIRS. All definitions found directly in these files will contribute to the bindings. (NOTE: This means that if “forwarding headers” are present, the real “legacy” headers must be specified as H_FILES). All header files which contribute to a given C++ namespace should be grouped into a single pkg to ensure a 1-to-1 mapping with the implementing Python class.

Returns via PARENT_SCOPE variables:

target              The CMake target used to build.
setup_py            The script used to build or install pkg.


find_package(Qt5Core NO_MODULE)
find_package(KF5KDcraw NO_MODULE)

    "KDCRAW" "${PACKAGE_VERSION}" "Shaheed" ""
    LINKDEFS "../linkdef_overrides.h"
    GENERATE_OPTIONS "-D__PIC__;-Wno-macro-redefined"
    H_DIRS ${_H_DIRS}
    H_FILES "dcrawinfocontainer.h;kdcraw.h;rawdecodingsettings.h;rawfiles.h")


Return a list of available pip programs.