Numba support


This is an experimental feature, available starting with release 2.4.0. It is still incomplete (see listing below) and has only been tested on Linux on x86_64.

Numba is a JIT compiler for Python functions that can be statically typed based on their input arguments. Since C++ objects are always statically typed and already implemented at the machine level, they can be dynamically integrated into the Numba type tracing and lowering by exposing type details through C++ reflection at runtime.

JIT-compiling traces of mixed Python/bound C++ code reduces, and in some cases removes, the overhead of boxing/unboxing native data into their Python proxies and vice versa. It can also reduce or remove temporaries, especially for template expressions. Thus, there can be significant speedups for mixed code, beyond the Numba compilation of Python code itself. The current implementation integrates compiled C++ through function pointers, object pointers, and pointer offsets, into the intermediate representation (IR) as generated by Numba. A future version may integrate Cling-generated IR directly into Numba IR (or vice versa), e.g. if the C++ code is exposed from (precompiled) headers. This would allow inlining of C++ code into Numba traces, for further expected speedups.

Why Numba?

The advertised premise of Numba is that it “makes Python code fast.” However, there is a much more compelling reason: Numba allows developers to stay in their chosen ecosystem, be it Python or C++, in mixed environments, without paying for their choice in lost performance. For example, a Python developer using Numba does not need to rewrite a kernel into C++ just to run performantly in a C++ framework. Similarly, a C++ developer can use Numba to compile and create function pointers to Python code for easy, performant, access. This becomes even more compelling if the deployment target is a GPU, which would otherwise certainly require a rewrite of the Python code. Add that Numba, as a JIT-compiler, is fully run-time just like cppyy, and the use case for integration is clear. (Numba does not currently provide support for C++.)


cppyy does not use Numba extension hooks to minimize accidental dependencies. Instead, it requires that the extensions are loaded explicitly by any code that uses it:

import cppyy.numba_ext

After that, Numba is able to trace cppyy bound code when applying the usual numba.njit decorator.

Numba type declarations are done lazily, with the numba_ext module only initially registering hooks on proxy base classes, to keep overheads in Numba’s type-resolution to a minimum. On use in a JITed trace, each C++ type or function call is refined to the actual, concrete types and type-specific overloads, with templates instantiated as-needed. Where possible, lowering is kept generic to reduce the number of callbacks in Numba’s compilation chain.


The following, non-exhaustive, set of examples gives an idea of the current level of support. More examples can be found in the test suite.

C++ free (global) functions can be called and overloads will be selected, or a template will be instantiated, based on the provided types. Exact type matches are fully supported, there is some support for typedefs add implicit conversions for builtin types, there is no support for conversions of custom types or default arguments.

  • Basic usage: To use cppyy in Numba JITed code, simply import cppyy.numba_ext, after which further use is transparent and the same as when otherwise using cppyy in Python. Example:

>>> import numba
>>> import cppyy
>>> import cppyy.numba_ext          # enables numba to work with cppyy
>>> import math
>>> @numba.jit(nopython=True)
... def cpp_sqrt(x):
...   return cppyy.gbl.sqrt(x)      # direct use, no extra setup required
>>> print("Sqrt of 4: ", cpp_sqrt(4.0))
Sqrt of 4: 2.0
>>> print("Sqrt of Pi: ", cpp_sqrt(math.pi))
Sqrt of Pi: 1.7724538509055159
  • Overload selection: C++ overloads provide different implementations for different argument types (not to be confused with Numba overloads, which provide different implementations for the same argument types). Unfortunately, mapping of Python types to C++ types is often not exact, so a “best match” is chosen, similarly to what cppyy normally does. However, the latter, being dynamic, is more flexible. For example, best-match C++ integer type can be value dependent, whereas in the Numba trace, it is by definition fixed at JIT time. Example:

>>> cppyy.cppdef("""
... int mul(int x) { return x * 2; }
... float mul(float x) { return x * 3; }
... """)
>>> @numba.jit(nopython=True)
... def oversel(a):
...   total = type(a[0])(0)
...   for i in range(len(a)):
...      total += cppyy.gbl.mul(a[i])
...   return total

>>> a = np.array(range(10), dtype=np.float32)
>>> print("Array: ", a)
Array: [0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.]
>>> print("Overload selection output: ", oversel(a))
Overload selection output: 135.0
>>> a = np.array(range(10), dtype=np.int32)
>>> print("Array: ", a)
Array: [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
>>> print("Overload selection output: ", oversel(a))
Overload selection output: 90
  • Template instantiation: templates are instantiated as needed as part of the overload selection. The best match is done for the arguments provided at the point of first use. If those arguments vary based on program input, it may make sense to provide Numba with type hints and pre-compile such functions. Example:

>>> import cppyy
>>> import cppyy.numba_ext
>>> import numba
>>> import numpy as np
>>> cppyy.cppdef("""
... template<typename T>
... T square(T t) { return t*t; }
... """)
>>> @numba.jit(nopython=True)
... def tsa(a):
...   total = type(a[0])(0)
...   for i in range(len(a)):
...      total += cppyy.gbl.square(a[i])
...   return total
>>> a = np.array(range(10), dtype=np.float32)
>>> print("Float array: ", a)
Float array: [0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.]
>>> print("Sum of squares: ", tsa(a))
Sum of squares: 285.0
>>> print()
>>> a = np.array(range(10), dtype=np.int32)
>>> print("Integer array: ", a)
Integer array: [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
>>> print("Sum of squares: ", tsa(a))
Sum of squares: 285

Instances of C++ classes can be passed into Numba traces. They can be returned from functions called within the trace, but cannot yet be returned from the trace. Their public data is accessible (read-only) if of built-in type and their public methods can be called, for which overload selection works. Example:

>>> import cppyy
>>> import numba
>>> import numpy as np
>>> cppyy.cppdef("""\
... class MyData {
... public:
...     MyData(int i, int j) : fField1(i), fField2(j) {}
... public:
...     int get_field1() { return fField1; }
...     int get_field2() { return fField2; }
...     MyData copy() { return *this; }
... public:
...     int fField1;
...     int fField2;
... };""")
>>> @numba.jit(nopython=True)
>>> def tsdf(a, d):
...     total = type(a[0])(0)
...     for i in range(len(a)):
...         total += a[i] + d.fField1 + d.fField2
...     return total
>>> d = cppyy.gbl.MyData(5, 6)
>>> a = np.array(range(10), dtype=np.int32)
>>> print(tsdf(a, d))
>>> # example of method calls
>>> @numba.jit(nopython=True)
>>> def tsdm(a, d):
...     total = type(a[0])(0)
...     for i in range(len(a)):
...         total += a[i] +  d.get_field1() + d.get_field2()
...     return total
>>> print(tsdm(a, d))
>>> # example of object return by-value
>>> @numba.jit(nopython=True)
>>> def tsdcm(a, d):
...     total = type(a[0])(0)
...     for i in range(len(a)):
...         total += a[i] + d.copy().fField1 + d.get_field2()
...     return total
>>> print(tsdcm(a, d))

Demo: Numba physics example

Motivating example taken from:

>>> import numba
>>> import cppyy
>>> import cppyy.numba_ext
>>> cppyy.cppdef("""
... #include <vector>
... struct Atom {
...    float x;
...    float y;
...    float z;
... };
... std::vector<Atom> atoms = {{1, 2, 3}, {2, 3, 4}, {3, 4, 5}, {4, 5, 6}, {5, 6, 7}};
... """)
>>> @numba.njit
>>> def lj_numba_scalar(r):
...    sr6 = (1./r)**6
...    pot = 4.*(sr6*sr6 - sr6)
...    return pot

>>> @numba.njit
>>> def distance_numba_scalar(atom1, atom2):
...    dx = atom2.x - atom1.x
...    dy = atom2.y - atom1.y
...    dz = atom2.z - atom1.z
...    r = (dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz) ** 0.5
...    return r
>>> def potential_numba_scalar(cluster):
...    energy = 0.0
...    for i in range(cluster.size() - 1):
...       for j in range(i + 1, cluster.size()):
...           r = distance_numba_scalar(cluster[i], cluster[j])
...           e = lj_numba_scalar(r)
...       energy += e
...    return energy
>>> print("Total lennard jones potential =", potential_numba_scalar(cppyy.gbl.atoms))
Total lennard jones potential = -0.5780277345740283


The main overhead of JITing Numba traces is in the type annotation in Numba itself, optimization of the IR and assembly by the backend less so. (There is also a non-negligible cost to Numba initialization, which is why cppyy does not provide automatic extension hooks.) The use of cppyy bound C++, which relies on the same Numba machinery, does not change that, since the reflection-based lookups are in C++ and comparatively very fast. For example, there is no appreciable difference in wall clock time to JIT a trace using Numba’s included math functions (from module math or numpy) or one that uses C++ bound ones whether from the standard library or a templated versions from e.g. Eigen. Use of very complex template expressions may change this balance, but in principle, wherever it makes sense in the first place to use Numba JITing, it is also fine, performance-wise, to use cppyy bound C++ inside the trace.

A second important overhead is in unboxing Python proxies of C++ objects, in particular when passed as an argument to a Numba-JITed function. The main costs are in the lookup (types are matched at every invocation) and to a lesser extent the subsequent copying of the instance data. Thus, functions that take a C++ object as an argument will require more time spent in the function body for JITing to be worth it than functions that do not.

The current implementation invokes C++ callables through function pointers and accesses data through offsets calculations from the object’s base address. A future implementation may be able to inline C++ into the Numba trace if code is available in headers files or was JITed.

Further Information


This work is supported in part by the Compiler Research Organization (Princeton University), with contributions from Vassil Vassilev, Baidyanath Kundu, and Aaron Jomy.